Cape Bridgewater to Bridgewater Lakes


Cape Bridgewater to Bridgewater Lakes (via cliff top walk) – 18km


This should be an enjoyable day along the cliff tops and it will be your shortest day. You start cliff top walk from the camp and go all the way around past the seal colony. From the turbines it starts a very spectacular walk along the cliff tops which eventually brings you down to a camp called Bridgewater Lakes.


There is no accommodation at Bridgewater Lakes however there is accommodation just 1.5km away at Discovery Bay Cottage on Kennedys Road. This is not a designated stop on the camino but it may be worth staying here for small groups. It is advised to ring ahead to check availability and suitability.

Discovery Bay Cottage
149 Kennedys Rd,
Cape Bridgewater VIC 3305
0419 265 491

If not available it is suggested to stay back at Cape Bridgewater Coastal Camp.

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A camino experience marking significant places in the life of Mary MacKillop and Julian Tension Woods.